Friday 10 April 2009

Barnett Formula - time for change

The formula dictates that for every £1 the Government distributes, 85p goes to England, 10p to Scotland and 5p to Wales. With five million people, Scotland now has only 8.3 per cent of the UK population. That has led to a situation where "identifiable spending" in Scotland on public services is £1,500 higher per person than in England, according to Treasury figures.

Thats from here

Yeah right - per person .. but you dont get your money from the govt per person - Joel Barnett himself said that he only used the 'per head' figures to explain how it worked to the ministers of the time.

It does need sorted out to get it back in balance as there is now a 1.7% discrepency.

This month the #territorial # ministers are looking at it .

Thursday 9 April 2009

Scots Language

Good grief - I really do speak another language -

"The UK government now accepts Scots as a regional language and has recognised it as such under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Notwithstanding the UK government’s and the Scottish Executive’s obligations under part II of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the Scottish Executive recognises and respects Scots (in all its forms) as a distinct language, and does not consider the use of Scots to be an indication of poor competence in English."

So that's English, Scots, French, German and 14 computer 'languages '.